Katherine celebrates in bed with a room full of balloons

Your ticket makes a difference!

With supporters like you, researchers are finding ways to provide a better quality of life to people affected by heart disease and stroke in Ontario. See the impact of your support. 

Every ticket can help save a life

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Accelerate research breakthroughs to improve lives by repairing damaged hearts and minimizing the debilitating effects of strokes.


Enable partnerships with hospitals, universities, and health institutes to close the gaps in care that can lead to poor health outcomes.


Ensure funding for promising heart disease and stroke research is not interrupted, given the serious new risks due to COVID-19.

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Dr Robert Hegele

Lottery funds life-saving research

Playing the Heart & Stroke Lottery supports life-saving research. Thanks to donors like you, next year will mark 70 years of donor-funded breakthroughs and major discoveries that help keep our families protected. Help medical experts like Dr. Hegele prevent heart disease & stroke and win amazing prizes!

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Stroke survivor Katherine Isaac

Your impact helps save lives like Katherine’s

Today, you can continue your support and keep making a difference for patients like Katherine. By playing this years’ Heart & Stroke Lottery, you will be funding life-saving research and breakthroughs from the brightest scientific minds in Ontario, with the collective goal of saving lives and keeping our families safe.

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