Man and woman holding large novelty cheque

You can’t get anything done without the means to do it

Winter 2021 - 50/50 Draw - $1,157,613 Winner Lawrence Brisbois, Timmins

Lawrence Brisbois was relaxing at home when the telephone rang. “I was with my sweetheart Jen, and my cousin Claude. We were having a cocktail after a long day at work and when they told me I was the 50/50 Jackpot Winner, I was skeptical. It took about five minutes of back and forth, fact checking and asking questions, to see if it was a crank call!” 

When the facts added up to Lawrence being a millionaire, the first thing he asked himself was, “Can I fully retire?” And that’s exactly what he did: “We’re going to buy a house and invest the rest of it so we don’t spend it all – because (smiling) I do want to STAY retired.” 

As someone whose older sister had open heart surgery as a youngster, and a younger sister who recently had a heart attack, Lawrence is a long-time Heart & Stroke supporter: “Research is very important – you can’t get anything done if you don’t have the means to do it – and the means to do it is for people to donate.” 

I’ll continue to purchase tickets – I’ve still got the month of March (March Money Lottery) to win a bunch of prizes, I hope!
Lawrence Brisbois - Winter 2021 Winner